JAKARTA - Many women are ashamed to express their sexual desires to their partners. Often difficult to achieve orgasm, many women also choose silence if they are not satisfied with the 'action' partner in bed.

In fact, women also have the right to feel satisfaction in the sex session. So that they are both satisfied, here's how to express dissatisfaction with sex to your partner without offending them, launched WomanTalk, Tuesday, October 26.

Choose the right time

It's best to avoid expressing your discontent right after making love, especially while it's still in the process of doing so, as it can disrupt the session or even offend your partner. It's better to talk about this in a casual chat, for example at night, just before bed. Choosing the right time is important so that two-way communication runs smoothly without interruption.

Give a compliment

Giving praise for the 'action' last night is certainly highly recommended. Through this compliment you can also insert your sexual desire. Know what you want and how to achieve it. For example, “I love the way you did foreplay last night. However, it feels more passionate if the sessions are carried out longer.” That way, you can more easily convey criticism and suggestions to your partner with sentences and tone of voice that still seem appreciative.

Ask a question

In addition to giving praise, you can ask questions first, before finally inserting the desired 'sponsored message'. Ask "Satisfied or not?" it might be too judgmental, especially if he asks and you answer "Not satisfied". It's better to soften the sentence by asking, "What is the thing you like the most about 'my action'?". Usually the question will be answered with the same question from him. That's the right time to express your desire to reach orgasm.

Give suggestions, not criticism

Before asking, knowing and understanding what things or styles that allow you to achieve orgasm is important. You must know what your sexual desire is and how to achieve it. This can be the key to communicating it to your partner through advice. For example, you might suggest using tools such as sex toys for hotter sex sessions with your partner. Avoid uttering criticism, it's better to give him advice about ways that can make you orgasm and feel satisfied every time you make love.

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