JAKARTA - The 2021 Indonesian Specialty Coffee Contest (KKSI) was held to encourage the passion of farmers (coffee producers) to produce quality coffee. This quality improvement is expected to encourage an increase in coffee prices.

The first KKSI was held in 2008 by the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Industry (AEKI) together with the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Center (PPKKI). The KKSI 2021 final round will be held on October 21-22, 2021 and has entered its 13th year.

Just like last year, the 2021 KKSI was held again in a virtual (hybrid) manner due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this year's specialty coffee contest, there were 482 participants.

Pranoto Soenarto, chairman of the KKSI XIII committee announced that the first winner of the 2021 KKSI for the type of robusta coffee was Martina Rinasih from Jambu Semarang, Central Java, with an assessment of 88.63 points.

For the Arabica Natural coffee type, Sabardi from Ulunowih Gayo Coffee from Bandar Bener Meriah Aceh won the first place with an assessment of 89.25 points.

Meanwhile, for the type of Arabica Washed coffee, the first place was won by Yanto from Gunung Tujuh, Kerinci Jambi with a scoring point of 89.83.

Even though it was held virtual, the coffees from Indonesia, which won the contest this time, were still of excellent quality and deserved to be proud. Indonesia is a coffee producing country that has a variety and uniqueness of the coffee produced that is not owned by other coffee producing countries.

One of the driving forces behind the superiority of coffee in Indonesia is that it comes from various regions that have different spatial characteristics where coffee is grown, not to mention how to process coffee, which from one region to another has its own peculiarities.

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