4 Phases Of Passion For Love That Occur During Sex
Ilustrasi (Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Having sex with a partner is fun. However, do you know when making love, there are several phases of sexual arousal that will be experienced by both you and your partner. The pleasure of making love is a sexual reaction that is often experienced during sex. This happens because the brain releases hormones that promote sexual pleasure and interprets the stimulation as pleasure. Well, launching from WomanTalk, Saturday, October 23, here are four phases that usually occur in the cycle of lovemaking phases.

The aroused phase (excitement phase)

In this phase we will feel happy and happy. This phase is called foreplay. According to experts, the stimulation phase usually lasts for 5 to 10 minutes and is characterized by a physical reaction in the form of an erection of the penis and mucus of the vagina. In this phase also the muscles throughout the body begin to contract, as if someone is breathing faster.

Flat phase (Plateau phase)

This stage makes arousal continue to increase. The sex organs will be much more sensitive. However, sometimes in this phase passion and interest can decrease, then increase, and then decrease again.

Orgasm phase

Well, if this phase is the peak of the sexual reaction that occurs in the couple. In women, usually will experience intense muscle contractions in the vagina, uterus, and rectum. While in men, usually experience contractions in the rectum, penis, and pelvis. If according to Dr. Boyke, as reported by Media Indonesia, almost 60% of women can orgasm in 5 minutes. However, the ideal is when both partners have an orgasm at this stage.

Resolution phase

Orgasm is not the end of the sex session. To get a good quality sexual relationship, it's good for both partners to go through the appeasement phase or what is known as this resolution phase. Usually, in this phase the muscles are more relaxed and the blood vessels dilate. In addition, usually this phase will end with kisses and hugs, then clean up after that.

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