JAKARTA - Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are in the process of undergoing a trial regarding Depp's suit against The Sun because the title wife beater was pinned to him. More than that, Depp is also facing a case of alleged violence which his ex-wife mentioned in court.

Through this article, VOI will summarize their meeting which started as a romance into a storm.

2011: The Rum Diary

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard first met in the film The Rum Diary. This film tells the story of a journalist who falls in love with the wife of a businessman. Long story short, through this film the two of them became close and decided to have a serious relationship.

2015-2016: Married and Divorced

While getting married in 2015, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard held a closed ceremony. Only one year later, the Aquaman player divorced Depp and asked her ex-husband to be temporarily detained.

He said Depp treated him with violence, and he thought Depp was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, this statement was denied by Johnny Depp.

Finally the two of them met. By way of a deal, Heard received US $ 7 million but chose to donate the money. This agreement was also made so that no party would try to say anything negative about this case.

2018: Washington Post News

Depp and Heard agreed not to discuss any matters, but Heard denied that promise by writing a paper for the Washington Post. In that article, he explained that he was one of the public figures who experienced violence from someone. Didn't mention Depp's name, but not a few people thought he was teasing the Pirates of the Caribbean player.

2019: Johnny Depp's Demands

Sure enough, Johnny Depp sued Amber Heard about the writing he was publishing in the Washington Post. He denied all charges or violence called Amber Heard.

2020: Leaked Footage

It did not stop there earlier this year, a recording of the conversation was broadcast on the internet. Amber Heard admits she treated Depp harshly. The long conversation was played with Johnny Depp who didn't know what to do. Heard replied, “I can't promise not to play physically again. God, I get so angry sometimes that I can't help it. "

July 2020: Three Week Session

In a trial conducted regarding Amber Heard's claims. Johnny Depp brought a number of witnesses, his ex-girlfriends, Winona Ryder and Vanessa Paradis.

Both Ryder and Paradis disagreed with Heard's claim that Johnny Depp was a violent person. "From my experience over the years, I can say that he (Johnny) has never been rude," said Paradis, who had the longest relationship with Johnny Depp, as reported by The Guardian.

Meanwhile, several claims and new evidence in this case began to surface. Johnny Depp said his ex-wife deliberately teased him by defecating on the case and punched him too.

Depp also said Amber Heard had an affair with actor James Franco and businessman Elon Musk. But all these accusations were denied by Heard.

On the other hand, Amber Heard called Johnny Depp a rude person and likes to physically abuse him, leaving marks on his face. On several occasions, he also mentioned Johnny Depp threatening to kill him. Depp also denied this statement.

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