Secret Number Welcomes New Personnel, Zuu
Zuu (Twitter @5ecretNumber)

JAKARTA - K-pop group Secret Number announced their new member, a woman named Zuu.

Saturday, October 16 in the morning, Vine Entertainment uploaded the latest member teaser video. Zuu is seen wearing brightly colored clothes according to the concept of the video titled Fire Saturday.

Zuu's presence in the Secret Number still looks mysterious. The reason is, so far the agency has not shared information about Zuu's position in the group.

After being released, Zuu's teaser video has been watched by 400 thousand in less than one day.

The Secret Number will comeback with the third single album titled Fire Saturday, but this time there is something different.

One of the members, Denise, was declared absent from promotional activities this time because Vine Entertainment said Denise was in the process of contract negotiations.

“Hello, we are Vine Entertainment. We want to thank fans for their love and support for Secret Number," Vine said.

"Denise, Secret Number members will not participate in Secret Number activities because they are negotiating contract adjustments with the agency," he continued.

Secret Number's newest comeback, Fire Saturday will be released on October 27, 2021.

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