3 Things You Get After Watching Korean Drama, Yumi's Cells
Drama Korea Yumi's Cells (Foto: iQiyi)

JAKARTA - The Korean drama Yumi's Cells has entered episode 8. The drama, which was adapted from a webtoon of the same name, stars well-known actress Kim Go-Eun.

Tells the story of a 32-year-old woman named Yumi and her behavior is influenced by the cells in her brain. Each cell controls Yumi's thoughts, feelings and actions.

Yumi, an ordinary office worker, spends days without a lover because a heartbreak she experienced several years ago put the love cell in her brain into a coma. Yumi can't fall in love anymore until she finally meets Goo Woong (Ahn Bo-Hyun), a game developer, who slowly heals Yumi's love cells and makes her fall in love again.

Not just a sweet and entertaining plot, here are 3 things that you will get after watching the Korean drama, Yumi's Cells.

Beautiful Visuals Yumi's Cells is the first Korean drama to combine live action with animation. This drama provides a new and unique viewing experience for loyal Korean drama viewers.

The transitions between live action and animation scenes in Yumi's Cells are also fluid, proving that animations packed with the right stories can be enjoyed by adults, not just children.

Chemistry Makes Baper Through this drama, Ahn Bo-Hyun succeeded in making the audience excited through his character, Goo Woong, a clumsy and straightforward man who loves Yumi very much and always expresses his feelings honestly. This character is very different from the one that Bo-hyun played before in the drama "Her Private Life", where his character is a tsundere man, sometimes kind and sometimes cold, who doesn't dare to express his feelings.

After a hectic working day, the weekend is the perfect time to refresh your mind. The light drama plot with characters close to everyday life can make your stomach churn and entertain you on holidays.

Psychology Lessons Equipped with psychology lessons wrapped in fun packaging. The audience is invited to understand how human brain cells work in a fun and easy-to-digest way. One example is in the scene where Yumi is losing her spirits but has to pretend to laugh.

As ordinary humans, there are times when we suddenly feel bad moods and lazy to interact with other people, but unfortunately we are in public places such as offices, or schools. In situations like these, there is a Pretend Cell, which will help show a fake smile to hide his true feelings and not bring a bad mood to those around him.

In addition, there is also a scene where Yumi feels hungry in the Korean drama, Yumi's Cells. With the tokpoki antenna on its head, the Hungry Cell responsible for Yumi's appetite would appear at certain hours and run around crying. If Yumi doesn't eat right away, Hungry Cells will get bigger and scare other cells like giants. If Hungry Cell was already hanging around, Yumi couldn't think straight while working. Hungry Cell will issue a trumpet that makes Yumi's stomach ring. This also often happens in real life, where when hungry it is difficult to focus on doing something.

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