JAKARTA - Circulating photos of Aurelie Moeremans being kissed by a man. The kiss seemed intimate on Aurelie's right cheek. However, the man's face was covered and his figure was unclear.

In fact the photo is the first appearance of Aurelie Moeremans in the film Story of Dinda: Second Chance of Happiness. This time, Dinda, the character played by Aurelie Moeremans, had to give up her relationship with Kale, the character played by Ardhito Pramono. At that time, Dinda felt that her relationship with Kale did not make her happy.

Then, what is the next Dinda story? Of course Dinda deserves to be happy. Especially for a girl like Dinda, who wants to get away from her toxic and abusive lover.

The good news is that Dinda's story will continue in Story of Dinda: Second Chance of Happiness. This story about Dinda will air in October 2021 in Online Cinema.

In Story of Dinda: Second Chance of Happiness, Dinda will meet people who can give her a sense of calm and are able to act maturely. Although it is still a mystery, whether Dinda will be truly happy in her relationship this time.

The next question, who is this man? What kind of person can make Dinda feel that she deserves a second chance that can bring her happiness?

Whoever this new character is, and who plays it is certain that the relationship between Dinda and this man is based on mutual respect and awareness that failure is a reality that will always occur in human efforts to achieve happiness.

The male figure who will start a new story together with Dinda in Story of Dinda: Second Chance of Happiness.

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