7 Things A Mother Should Give To Her Daughter
Illustration of mother and daughter (Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

JAKARTA – A mother needs to provide her daughter with knowledge to prepare for the future. Not that having a son doesn't need it.

But because of the difference in character, it may be possible to give a different intake load. The following below should be given to your daughter when moving on to be independent.

1. Teaches that he is good enough

Often children are not confident in their abilities. Even he feels discouraged at what he likes. Therefore, the baby needs to be taught that he is good enough, has potential, and does not need to be afraid of judgment.

2. Give the biggest support

Girls need to know that their mother can be relied on when experiencing a breakup, a wave of hormonal and mood swings, to work problems. Avoid judging or criticizing for making the wrong decision. Offer support, give attention, and talk time whenever you need to.

3. Allocate quality time with children

No matter how busy you are, allocating one to two hours to sit and talk with your children will certainly make them feel more secure and comfortable. Always make time to meet them, look them in the eye.

4. Trust completely

Even though it is necessary to give responsibility many times until the beloved daughter fulfills her duties and can be fully trusted. But trust needs to be given from the time your baby starts to be independent.

5. Tranquility

Research has shown that yelling at children makes them aggressive, uncomfortable, more likely to develop anxiety, and have low self-esteem. So, control your emotions so you don't get angry easily. Continue to improve temperament and build composure.

6. Give 'space'

Too controlled, understood, directed, so that you don't have space will not make your baby's mental development develop independently. To raise her as an independent girl, let her make her own choices.

When making mistakes and experiencing failure, accompany and give the knowledge that every human being has experienced it. More importantly, teach your child to forgive himself.

7. Teaches that his body is his own

If your baby is approaching puberty and the first menstruation, give a detailed description of the female body. Provide knowledge between how to distinguish a good 'touch' and a bad touch. This knowledge aims to anticipate and recognize what other people should not do to their body parts.

Is there anything other than the 7 points above that you give to your baby? Knowledge needs to be given by the closest person. Even the above knowledge will not be found in formal schools.

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