JAKARTA – Zinc or known as zinc is an important mineral and is needed for health. Every day, the body needs zinc intake because it cannot store the excess. So it is necessary to take supplements or foods that contain minerals.

Reported by WebMD, Tuesday, October 5, food sources that contain zinc include red meat, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, and dairy products. However, it is not recommended to take supplements continuously. That is, it is safest to consume zinc intake from foods that are high in these substances.

Zinc is needed by the body to maintain, maintain, and stimulate growth appropriately. In several systems and biological reactions found the benefits of zinc. To strengthen immunity, zinc is also quite reliable. Zinc is also efficacious in healing wounds, overcoming blood clots, and optimizing thyroid function.

A zinc-deficient body will experience a number of symptoms. These symptoms include slowed metabolism, low insulin levels, loss of appetite, irritability, hair loss, rough and dry skin, bad sense of smell and taste, diarrhea, and nausea.

Although the symptoms do not have a major effect, if the body's zinc needs are not immediately met, the body becomes easily infected with viruses and bacteria. This is dangerous, meaning it is necessary to ensure the adequacy of nutrients, especially zinc, every day.

Some viruses that can be driven by zinc mineral substances include symptoms of the common cold, herpes, and HIV. For men, low zinc levels in the body also affect fertility. Lack of zinc in the body also marks a person has type 2 diabetes.

A study also proved that people with frequent acne have low levels of zinc in the blood. Taking a little zinc supplement will help with acne.

Other studies also prove that the decline in visual function due to age can be minimized by eating foods that contain zinc. In addition to zinc, add foods that contain antioxidants to prevent the weakening of the function of the sense of sight.

The safe dose for men aged 14 years and over is 11 milligrams. For women aged 14 years and after need 8 milligrams. Pregnant women can need up to 13 milligrams of zinc per day.

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