Tissa Biani And Rizky Nazar Bring Farrell And Fitri Back To Life In The Cinta Fitri Series
Tissa Biani dan Rizky Nazar (Bunnies PUji / VOI)

JAKARTA - The Cinta Fitri series is ready to air on WeTV starting Tuesday, October 5. The series stars Tissa Biani, Rizky Nazar, Omar Daniel, Josephine Firmstone, and Gemi Nastiti.

Playing the role of Fitri, Tissa admitted that she was worried and overwhelmed. The reason is Cinta Fitri is a soap opera that was once a public idol in the 2000s era. With 1,002 episodes in 7 seasons. The soap opera Cinta Fitri is the best record from the MD Pictures production house.

Tissa becomes a village girl who has to struggle to live in the capital in various ways. "The first time I was nervous, risks and challenges had to be faced. The soap opera Cinta Fitri has many fans. So you can't lie if you are a little worried about playing the character Fitri," said Tissa at MD Place, South Jakarta, Monday, October 4.

However, Tissa is optimistic about starting a new project. "Believe, sincere, sincere. The director, screenplay, and cast all do their best. Sharing with them can reduce worry," he explained.

Another thing that makes him confident is that the production process is taken seriously. "Reading took almost 2 weeks. There I completely surrendered myself to the characters. Changed the scenario, cooperated with each other, didn't want to disappoint. It's impossible for the project to run smoothly without the cooperation of all parties," he said.

Rizky Nazar felt the same way when he played the character Farrell in the Cinta Fitri series. "When compared to Teuku Wisnu, who has played a role for seven seasons, it can't be avoided. Just accept it. Because you have done your best, I hope that Cinta Fitri this series can be accepted," he explained.

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