JAKARTA – Drugs that are damaged due to incorrect storage will certainly cause losses. In addition, the process of managing damaged or expired drugs should not be done carelessly. Before the expiration date, you can store medicines in a proper way.

Based on the type, preparation, storage time, and condition, here are tips for storing medicines at home.

Store in a place that is not easily accessible to children and pets

Storing in the right place is a way to keep drugs from being tucked away, accidentally thrown away, to avoid damage. The first tip, put it in a safe place or a special place for the medicine box.

Containers of meeting together with etiquette

Each drug has rules for consumption, storage, and composition or known as etiquette. Putting the medicine in a tight container along with the label is important. The tighter or tighter the container, the smaller the potential for damage. But also pay attention to the next tips, because they are related to temperature and drug preparations.

Avoid direct sunlight or store in a cool place

Usually, drugs purchased without a doctor's prescription are often accompanied by a label to store them. In general, medicines need to be stored in a cool place or not exposed to direct sunlight.

Do not store in damp places

Dry or too humid places will more easily damage the drug. Drugs that are damaged even though they have not expired can reduce their effectiveness when consumed. Therefore, avoid storing the drug in capsule form in a dry, hot, humid, or unstable temperature place such as in a car or vehicle for a long time.

What medicines need to be stored in the refrigerator?

Reported by the Pelita Husada RSU page, Tuesday, September 28, not all drugs need to be stored in the refrigerator. Only certain drugs such as syrups and drug preparations to be inserted into the vagina and anus.

Pay attention to the storage time of eye medicine

There are three forms of eye medication, namely ointment, gel, and drops. The ointments and drops are divided into two, single dose and multi dose. Single dose is generally packaged once and if there is still left it can only be used for the next 3 days.

For multi-dose, drops and ointments can only be stored and used after 1 month since the packaging is opened. Moreover, the effectiveness of the drug can decrease or even be damaged due to various factors.

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