Want Sexual Relationships Feel More Passionate? Try Consuming These 3 Types Of Vitamins
Ilustrasi (Polina Tankilevitch / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Having intimate relationships between husband and wife needs to be done to make love life warmer and more harmonious. You and your partner can also be more intimate.

Not only men whose performance must be strong in bed, but women also have to be strong when making love. So, what can make women more passionate when having sex?

Quoting from the GenPi page, Friday, September 24, here are some of the substances in vitamins that women need to be more passionate about during sex. Anything?


Iron Vitamins (Bet_Noire/iStock)

Iron is needed by the body. If you lack iron, your passion will dim. Not only affects lust during sex, but an iron deficiency can also affect the ability to naturally lubricate the female organs. In addition, iron is also able to make women reach climax.

Tribulus Terrestris

You can take advantage of the Tribulus Terrestris plant to make it more passionate when in bed. This plant is derived from the fruit that produces a Mediterranean plant covered with spines.

Women who experienced low arousal and consumed about 7.5 mg of Tribulus Terrestris every day for four weeks, were shown to experience improvements in performance in bed.

Maca (Peruvian Ginseng)

If you lose your passion during sex, try eating maca or Peruvian ginseng. This one ingredient can help those of you who are less passionate about having sex.

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