JAKARTA – Miss V or female genitalia includes the vagina, labia, and clitoris. Have you ever felt something strange or even felt insecure because you thought it was different from what you saw from the reference?

Don't worry, it's normal to be different. As reported by Insider, Tuesday, September 21, Sherry Ross, MD., Ob-Gyn and women's health expert, says that many women do not like their vagina. According to him, 1 in 7 women has considered doing labiaplasty.

In 2017, the Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank reported that labiaplasty increased by 213 percent between 2012-2017. Ross explained that everyone has a unique and different type of vulva. Even the number of differences can not be ascertained because of the many types of vulva.

“Each vagina is unique and specific to each person. So there's not always a 'normal' vaginal shape or the standard way a vagina should look."

Anatomically, Miss V has 6 parts, including the following:

  • The vulva is the outermost part of the vagina which consists of the vaginal lips or labia, urethra, vaginal opening, and clitoris.
  • Mons pubis, which is the front of the vagina.
  • The labia majora, the outer lips of the vagina that are usually pink, red, or brown in color.
  • The labia minora are the deep folds that lie on the inside of the labia majora.
  • The clitoris, a small bundle of nerves located in the upper part of the vagina or above the urethra, varies in size.
  • The hood of the clitoris, small flesh as a cover over the clitoris.
  • Urethra, a small opening under the clitoris where urine comes out when urinating.
  • The vaginal opening, or canal, is located between the labia majora and minora and under the clitoris and urethra.

Based on the anatomy above, there are 7 types of vaginas below, although they can vary even more when viewed in size, color, fullness, and texture.

1. Asymmetrical labia

Ross said the vagina may have asymmetrical labia. This means that one of the labia can be larger or smaller than the other. This is normal and nothing to worry about.

2. Small labia

It is very likely that the labia are tucked into the vulva or the larger labia majora covers the labia minora. According to Ross, this kind of form is also normal.

3. Labia majora and minora are the same size

The shape of the protruding labia is also very possible. Sometimes, women feel anxious because it is difficult to find underwear that can fully protect the vulva because of the protruding labia majora and minora. But this is normal.

tipe miss v
Illustration of type miss v (Unsplash/Dainis Graveris)

4. The labia minora are more prominent

It should also be noted that if the labia minora is more outward so that it looks prominent, this is also owned by many women. In the sense that if you have a vaginal shape like this, it's normal.

5. The more prominent labia majora

Contrary to the previous type, the protruding labia majora is nothing to worry about and is still normal.

6. Big or small clitoris

The size of the clitoris can be as small as a pea to the size of a thumb. This means that there are many variations of the type of miss V when viewed from the shape of the clitoris.

7. Not all miss V is pink

There are various factors that affect color. This means that not all uniforms are pink. According to Ross, it's important to identify the color because in some cases when the skin is bright red or a rash can indicate something is wrong, such as a yeast infection.

In addition to knowing the seven types above, every woman needs to know the anatomy and condition of a healthy vagina. This is important because maintaining reproductive health can be started from recognizing small things as described above.

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