JAKARTA - Komika Tretan Muslim often mentions sensitive things such as religion in his appearance. The dark jokes that he often brings often reap the pros and cons in the community. Apparently the joke material came from his own life experience.

In a chat on Daniel Mananta Network's YouTube channel, Tretan Muslim said he once wanted to go for jihad to Palestine.

"At that time I thought, Palestine is being attacked, Islam is being destroyed. What I only know now is that it is a territorial conflict, politics and so on," Muslim was quoted as saying Thursday, September 16.

For this purpose, Trestan even collects photos of weapons on his Facebook account. "In the past my favorite was Oshama Bin Laden, my favorite stuff was weapons. It means, 'Come on take me to Palestine, I want to help the Muslim people'," he said.

Muslims never think about terrorism because all they think about is helping their Muslim brothers in Palestine. "I don't think it's a terrorist or anything. My imagination is that Islam is being attacked. Instead of being unemployed, it's not clear. We'd better be martyred," he explained.

However, his intentions changed after meeting the road to Palestine. He understands the dangers of learning from the internet without a teacher to guide.

"Actually, the danger is that there is no teacher. If I meet the wrong and evil person, the Muslim Tretan might act recklessly. But maybe if someone brainwashed me at that time, I could just bomb Indonesia. Maybe, yes," he said.

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