Ink Affected Bags, Don't Panic Here Are 5 Ways To Remove Stains
Illustration (Lum3n/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Who doesn't panic if their favorite bag has ink stains, especially if your luxury bag is the victim of ink. Because usually the ink stains on the bag are rather difficult to remove, especially if the stains are left for a long time before cleaning. There are two types of ink, namely non-permanent ink and permanent ink. These two types of ink require different materials and methods to clean.

Let's see how to clean or remove ink stains on your favorite bag.


Rubbing alcohol is a great way to remove ink stains from bags for permanent ink. Well, whiteboard markers for example. Permanent ink is usually made from oil-based ingredients, so it won't have any effect if you just clean it with water.


Hairspray is not only used to style hair, but can also be used to remove ink stains on your favorite bag. This is because hairspray contains alcohol, so it can bleed the ink. In using hairspray to remove ink stains on the bag, you have to be careful, because if you use too much it will fade the color of the bag or worse, make the bag peel off.

Baking Soda

How to use it is to sprinkle baking soda powder over the stain. Let stand for a few hours, then wipe with a cloth.

Washing soap

For canvas and leather bags, you can remove ink stains by washing the bag. In addition to laundry soap (detergent), or you can also use baby shampoo. After washing, do not dry the bag in direct sunlight so that the texture and shape of the bag does not change.


If the ink that stains the bag is non-permanent, it is usually water-based. Examples of water-based inks are writing pens and children's markers. Well, ink made from water can be easily removed using water too.

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