JAKARTA - The occurrence of infidelity is one of the most undesirable things in a romantic relationship. When you and your partner are still committed, see each other regularly, and the relationship feels fine, the news of an affair can come as a surprise.

Indeed, there is no guarantee that the relationship will be free from betrayal, even couples who seem harmonious, one of them can have an affair.

However, everything can come back again to yourself. You can take care of yourself and respect the commitment not to start an affair. Here are five reminders so you don't cheat!

Life becomes more complicated

Trust me, when you dare to cheat, life will be much more complicated. You'll need to set the time for the date behind your partner, do your best to keep your partner from getting suspicious, and always be on the lookout for your partner to call suddenly while you're with your partner. Especially if your mistress doesn't even know that you actually have a partner. That is, there are two hearts that you are guarding and it is troublesome for yourself.

Breaking trust

Having a love relationship is not always easy. Along the way, you and your partner both cultivate trust in each other. When you have an affair, this is tantamount to destroying the trust you have worked so hard to build.

Many couples give freedom and flexibility to their partners because of trust. If you actually cheat, it means you don't appreciate the various processes that you go through until you have full trust.

Running away from the problem

If you're having an affair because you think there's a problem in your relationship, you're being a coward. You choose to run away from problems that can actually be resolved on good terms, or at least end the relationship before you have another partner.

You may cheat because you are bored, your partner is busy, the relationship is boring, you are no longer in love, or because you have a lot of conflict with your partner. However, still cheating can not be used as a justification you know.

Confused in commitment

Once you cheat, you are more likely to repeat it from time to time. Instead of solving problems with your partner, even if it is as simple as boredom in the relationship, you will choose to cheat again and again. Over time, you are the one who is harmed because you feel you have never been in a good relationship, have never met a suitable partner, and have never had a serious relationship. In fact, the fault is clearly with you.

Ready to accept karma

Many people who have cheated and feel cheated by their partners later in life. Are you ready to accept karma from your own actions? Cheating means betraying, hurting, and dumping a partner. Maybe someday, you will feel how bitter the partner you love turns out to be doing this. Ready?

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