JAKARTA – If you like caring for flowering ornamental plants, of course looking for the most preferred flower color. Well, because there are so many kinds of flower colors, white also makes you fall in love.
The flowers are white and spread the fragrance, the best known are jasmine and white roses. If you are looking for other references, here are recommendations for white flower ornamental plants and are able to spread a delicious aroma in the home page.
1. Wijaya KusumaWijaya Kusuma flowers are closely related to myths, because blooming time is limited. As if the blooming event is a magical and long-awaited moment. Uniquely, this plant is included in the succulent species with uneven stems. At first glance it looks like a cactus plant grows vertically but requires support because it cannot stand upright.
The wijaya kusuma flower will bloom when it is almost midnight before dawn. At other times, the flowers are just buds but still smell good.
2. GerdeniaThe next white flower plant recommendation is gardenia. Gardenia flowers belong to the coffee plant family that can grow in tropical and sub-tropical regions. This flower has approximately 140 species. When it blooms, the flowers will spread fragrant.
Gardenia flowers are also known familiarly as plate fried flowers. There are also those who call it plate glass flower.
3. White CempakaThe scientific name of the white cempaka flower is Michelia x alba. This flowering plant will thrive in areas with low sun exposure. Besides being white and having a fragrant aroma, gardenia is also beneficial for health.
Among them can help overcome fever, vaginal discharge, irregular menstruation, to eliminate bad breath.
4. AmaryllisAmaryllis flowers or known as lilies are most often seen decorating the home page. Even roadside ornamental plants are also often found growing this flowering plant.

The petals are similar to a trumpet flower with white and poking stamens adding to the beauty. The amaryllis flower belongs to the same family as the lily. Although it gives off a fragrant aroma, this flower is dangerous if consumed.
5. Good nightThe last recommendation is tuberose flowers. Sedap Malam has the scientific name Polianthes tuberosa. Tuberose flower plants are also processed for perfume ingredients. The character of the plant is bulbous and the flowers bloom at night.
Of the five white and fragrant flower ornamental plants above, which one is the most attractive to decorate your home?
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