JAKARTA - As a child, Bonita felt very lost over the death of Koes Hendratmo. After her father's funeral, Bonita revealed the last condition of the emcee, who is famous for the Race in Melody quiz.

Apparently, Koes Hendratmo's health declined because he was exposed to COVID-19 last July. With a congenital disease of asthma, Koes Hendratmo had a decline in his health. Moreover, there was fluid covering his lungs.

"When he got Covid, his comorbid asthma was the worst. The lower left lung near the solar plexus had fluid. I myself have not yet understood where it came from and how, and whether it can be removed," said Bonita at the Karet Bivou cemetery. , Central Jakarta, Monday, September 7th.

Actually, Koes Hendratmo's health condition has improved after recovering from Covid-19. However, Bonita feels that her father's mentality has dropped because his wife left him in May.

"Although his condition is getting better mentally, he looks more fit, but it turns out that maybe because of the time when his wife died during Eid. I think it also hit him very hard," said Bonita.

Koes Hendratmo was buried in the same cemetery with his wife. Koes Hendratmo's wife, Aprillia Puspitawati, died on May 20, 2021.

The tears of emotion from family and relatives accompanied the funeral of the singer and presenter, Koes Hendratmo. By sunset, the funeral procession was complete.

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