The Dalai Lama is again showing its close side to music. On its 85th birthday, Dalai Lama released a debut album entitled "Inner World". Previously, the Dalai Lama celebrated his 80th birthday in Glastonbury. Don't forget, the honorable spiritual leader of Tibet is also known as a Beastie Boys fan. Whatever, the debut album "Inner World" is a must-enjoy work.

The album "Inner World" contains eleven peaceful ambient music tracks. In this album, the Dalai Lama recites the mantra of seven Buddhists and discusses various spiritual topics concerning humanity, affection, and children.

"Inner World" opened with a shahdu number titled One of My Favorite Prayers. The inflated instrument swing, becoming an affirmation of the common thread of the overall musical material in this album. Not many compositions in the music formulation displayed by "Inner World" in other numbers.

The second song, Compassion, for example only contains additional background singers and flexible guitar playing. With the compositions on the two instruments, Compassion presents extraordinary musical beauty. It was not wrong when this song was thrown as a single song before the album was released.

Another number, Ama La presents a beautiful satirical game from Anoushaxi. From all the simple compositions on the music aspect, the most interesting thing about this album is the topics and themes that Dalai Lama translates into its charms.

It was a musician from New Zealand, Junelle Kunin, who was the first to initiate the birth of this album. Launching, Junelle's struggle to convince the Dalai Lama to get involved as the main player of this album project was not an easy matter. Junelle was rejected, until her meeting with the Dalai Lama in 2015 in India changed the decision of "The Teacher".

Junelle assured the Dalai Lama that "music can reach more people with the message that the real source of happiness is a warm heart and concern for others." In addition, the project also agreed that all proceeds would be donated to charity.

Junelle then invited her husband, Abraham Kunin on this project. They are the ones who prepare a list of topics and mantras for the Dalai Lama. Record sessions with the Dalai Lama are carried out in a unique way.

The Kunin couple recorded a conversation with the Dalai Lama when they chanted the seven Buddhist mantra and discussed topics of wisdom, courage, healing, and children. The Kunin couple also created the music to be paired with the words of the Dalai Lama.

Given his recording session with Dalai Lama, Junelle said: I've never heard him speak like this. He's so excited... He really explained to me how important music is. He pasted the body forward and his eyes GRumbled. His fingers rub each other together and he (talks) about how music can help people in ways he can't; it can go beyond differences and bring us back to our true nature and our kindness.

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