JAKARTA – Periodically, ornamental plants at home require additional nutritional intake. In addition to providing fertilizer, you can use a number of leftover vegetables and fruit to be processed into organic liquid fertilizer.

Adding organic fertilizer is important for plants. Because the changing seasons, growth, and adaptation processes of plants require adequate nutrition. Well, organic fertilizers can support this naturally. So, don't throw away the following 5 fruit and vegetable skins.

What are the benefits, here's a full explanation.

1. Onion skin

Onion skin can be soaked in 1 liter of water for 24 hours. The next day, you can spray the onion skin soaking water. This organic herb can be given once every 15 days if you regularly provide fertilizer.

2. Banana peel

Reported by The Better India, Saturday, September 4, banana peels contain approximately 42 percent potassium and contain lots of calcium and manganese. These three substances are useful for increasing macronutrients in the growing media.

The most suitable plants to get nutrients from banana peels are plants that bear fruit and seasons such as tomatoes and chilies. How to give it by mashing a banana peel and mix it with 1.5 liters of water. After mixed evenly, give it to the plant.

3. Pomegranate peel

The content in pomegranate skin is more varied than banana peel. It contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. All of these substances are useful in increasing macronutrients in the growing media and their nutrients are absorbed through the roots by plants.

The skin of the pomegranate can be mashed before pouring it on the plant. After smooth, mixed with water until runny and sprinkle on plants.

4. Orange peel

Organic fertilizer from orange peel is the most popular among others. The benefits of orange peel for plants are good for green vegetables. The nitrogen compounds in it can be beneficial for plants. But the process takes a long time, namely by soaking orange peel mixed with brown sugar to make it into a bioenzyme.

An easier way to make fertilizer from orange peels is to make orange peels into a paste. Mash the orange peel, then mix it with water until it's runny. Sprinkle on the planting medium at least 5 centimeters from the stem so that its acidic nature does not damage plant parts.

5. Mango peel

In order for plants to thrive, do not throw away the mango skin. You can process it into liquid fertilizer by soaking it. For the first 24 hours, soak the skin of 1 mango with 1 cup of water in an airtight container.

After 24 hours, open and stir to mix. Let stand again for 24 hours and on the third day you can add 300 milliliters of water and then pour it on the plants. This liquid fertilizer can be given once a week in order to get more optimal plant fertility.

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