6 Things That Affect Sperm Quality
Illustration of factors affecting sperm quality (Unsplash/Dainis Graveris)

JAKARTA – Sperm quality has a higher potential in the process of fertilizing an egg. If you and your partner are planning to have a baby, it is necessary to know the aspects that affect sperm quality.

Citing the International Journal of Chronobiology, Wednesday, September 1, it was explained that in the morning the sperm quality was better than other times. Weather also affects the condition of sperm.

In cool weather and not too hot, sperm can survive in the uterine wall for two to three days. Well, to increase the chance of the fertilization process, the more sperm attached to the uterine wall, the greater the chance of getting pregnant.

In addition to calculating the right time to make love, it is also important to take into account age. In men aged 40 and over the quality of sperm has decreased. This increases various unwanted risks, such as difficulty conceiving, increased risk of miscarriage, and weak fetus.

Because the quality of both sperm and egg cells cannot be separated from the physical and mental health of the partner. Specifically, the following are things that affect a man's fertile period and sperm quality.

1. Hormone level

The male fertility hormone is testosterone. High and low this hormone affects the number and quality of sperm.

2. Weight

Excess weight or obesity also affects the condition of sperm. It also affects the penetration process in the sex session.

3. Daily habits

Cigarettes and alcohol are often the cause of couples having difficulty conceiving children. Although not the only reason, but reduce the consumption of both to get good sperm quality.

4. Sitting too long

Sitting too long in a work chair, bicycle, or vehicle can put pressure on the testicles and penis. To overcome this, choose a bearing that is not too hard to minimize the risk of reproductive health.

5. Consumption of drugs

Taking drugs regularly will affect the reproductive system and hormones. Because it affects hormones that are not balanced, it is necessary to consult every drug you want to take with your doctor, especially if you take it regularly.

6. Health record

Having had surgery, exercise habits, and sleep patterns and a healthy lifestyle also need to be considered. Sexual and reproductive life is rarely considered so that often what happens is not as expected.

Through laboratory tests, sperm quality is measured based on volume, pH, sperm color, spermatozoa shape, and sperm movement. To ensure the quality of sperm and the completeness of information about reproductive health in men, it is advisable to consult with doctors and experts.

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