JAKARTA - Do you have vacant land at home? Just use it for farming. One of them, you can plant secondary crops that do not require a lot of water intake and tend to be easier to plant. In addition, palawija plants are also a source of food so that the results can be used by the whole family.

Adapting the Dekoruma page, Friday, August 27, here are the types of secondary crops that you can grow at home.


The first type of secondary crop that you can grow at home is corn. This one palawija plant is very easy to plant because it can grow on different types of soil. However, make sure you start planting corn seeds when you enter the beginning of the dry season and don't forget to water and provide fertilizer regularly so that these secondary crops can grow optimally.


Another secondary crop that you can grow at home is carrots. You need to know, carrot plant seeds have a small size so the planting process is not too deep. When planting this secondary crop, also try to get three-quarters of the seeds to get good moisture.

Soya bean

There is also soybean which is the easiest secondary crop to grow. This palawija plant can grow optimally if you start planting it during the dry season. To do this, first find an area in your yard that gets direct sunlight, then start planting green bean seedlings about 5 cm deep in the soil. Do not forget to give fertilizer regularly so that the results are maximized.


Another palawija plant that is very easy to care for is cassava. To start growing cassava, you will need cuttings from the parent plant. Then, cut it into small pieces and replant it in the soil. Not only easy to plant, cassava secondary crops can also be processed into various types of food menus, you know!


Not only can it be processed into a variety of food menus, potatoes can also be used as a healthy food alternative. To plant this one secondary crop, please first dig the soil to a depth of about 10 cm. After that, plant the potato seeds into the soil and do watering and fertilizing regularly so that they grow well.

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