Need To Understand, These Are 5 Things That Make Husbands Feel Jealous
Illustration of a young couple (Unsplash/Charly Pn)

JAKARTA – In a couple relationship, jealousy can be a spice. But if it is not recognized and immediately addressed, it can backfire.

If you do these 5 things, your husband will no doubt feel the sparks of jealousy. Reported by Magforwoman, Thursday, August 26, here's a list that you need to immediately realize and spend more time alone with your husband.

1. Close friends with other men

Even if you have a hobby or work partner, making friends with other men can make your husband's feelings even more sensitive. Intimidating questions will be asked frequently to ensure he is in the most important position in your life.

2. Little time because busy

Some psychologists say, quantity can beat quality. Even if you have little time to be alone with your partner, avoid making jealous feelings grow.

When there are signs of jealousy from your husband, then you need to neutralize it by spending quality time alone without interference from anywhere.

3. Appearance changed

If you usually choose to look casual, for example, then want a new atmosphere and change it to be more feminine, then pay attention to your husband's attitude. If possible before changing your appearance, ask your husband's opinion.

If your husband is not involved in communicating about your changes in appearance, it can make him think differently.

4. Late reply to messages without explanation

While you don't have to be quick to reply to your partner's messages, you do need to explain why you're late. This can make him feel jealous, you know. Your partner may think that you are not giving them your full attention.

5. Too often access the device

Technology and information are indeed at hand, because smart devices are windows to everywhere, including making your partner jealous if you access social media too often or for too long.

Of the five things above, you also need to establish emotional intimacy with your husband so that jealousy and negative emotions stay away from your romantic relationship.

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