JAKARTA - Every parent wants their baby to grow up to be a successful child living their desired goals. Well, experts suggest that the initial stage to support this success is the participation of parents in helping children discover their talents and interests.

By recognizing talents and interests from an early age, the chances of success in the future are even greater. To start recognizing the signs and talents of your little one, you can start with the following 6 initial steps.

Before trying to detect a child's talent, the most important thing to do is to provide sufficient stimulation first, so that the child's cognitive and motor skills can develop properly.

This must be done. Because children's cognitive and motor skills are the main capital for exploration. By exploring a lot, your little one will automatically try many things so that clues about their talents and abilities will be more easily detected.

Ideally talents are aligned with interests. Therefore, make observations or observations of their activities at home or at school, so you will know whether your little one really likes a field or it is just a momentary pleasure due to the influence of friends.

Also build positive communication with your little one so they can tell what they like. From there you can see what he is interested in.

If your little one has an interest in a field, whether it's sports, music or language, invite him to hone his skills by taking lessons or competitions so they can show off their talents.

Finding children's interests and talents is indeed challenging. However, never give up and continue to provide positive support so that children are confident in their abilities.

If your little one is still not showing signs of his talents and interests, you need to be patient and keep him company until he finds what he likes!

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