JAKARTA - Rizky Billar officially married Lesti Kejora on Thursday, August 19. The contract was held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.

"I am the event organizer who recorded the marriage of Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora. The marriage went smoothly with a dowry of USD 72,300. Thank God, everything went smoothly, the consent was enough," said Zulkifli, the head of the village who married Rizki Billar and Lesti Kejora. If it is converted into rupiah, the dowry is Rp. 1 billion.

In the marriage ceremony, presenters Irfan and Indra Bekti informed that Lesti and Billar only invited family and relatives as many as 30 people according to the number of seats.

This was confirmed by Zulkifli. "Everything went after the prokes only 30 people. The marriage contract was at 09.00 and just finished at 10.00," he explained.

Regarding the issue of unregistered marriage, Zulkifli emphasized that there had never been a marriage before the marriage contract. "Nothing," he insisted.

"Hopefully the intention of marrying Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar to become a sakinah mawaddah warohhmah family is blessed by Allah SWT," concluded Zulkifli.

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