JAKARTA - Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears has agreed to step down as his daughter's conservator. This news marked a victory for Britney who was under the conservatory for 13 years. Initially this was done after the incident in 2008 when it experienced a public breakdown.

Over time, Britney was able to manage her condition to appear in public and gain financial benefits.

"I announced on July 14 in Court after 13 years that it is time for (Jamie) Spears as conservator to be suspended and the firm and I will move quickly on that outcome," Mathew Rosengart quoted Variety as saying today, August 13.

For the first time, Britney Spears spoke in court on June 23. Through a telephone connection, the singer of (You Drive Me) Crazy asked his father to be removed as a conservator because this action only harmed him.

Jamie also responded to Britney's petition on Thursday, August 12 by announcing her withdrawal from the conservatory without explaining why.

“Even though he asked for deletion, Mr. (Jamie) intends to work with the Court and her son's new attorney to prepare for the transition from the old to the new conservator," reads a statement in the Jamie Spears document.

Rosengart himself responded to this news saying, "This is a big win for Britney Spears and a step towards justice."

It doesn't stop here, Rosengart continues to investigate the actions of Jamie Spears and others for 13 years when he made millions of dollars from the property of Britney Spears.

"Instead of making false claims and attacking his own son, Mr. Spears was asked to shut up and step down directly," Rosengart said ending the statement.

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