JAKARTA - The feud between dr. Richard Lee with the artist Kartika Putri resulted in the arrest of dr.Richard Lee at his residence on Thursday, August 12, 2021. This feud began with the review of dr. Richard related to Kartika Putri's skincare products and stated that these products contain compounds that are harmful to the skin.

Not accepting this statement, Kartika Putri then took legal action to demand the return of the good name of her skincare products which had been tarnished due to an honest review from dr. Richard.

Skin care is indeed one of the focuses of millennial women today. Seeing the high public interest regarding the high use of skincare, it makes people carelessly choose skincare ingredients as long as they can provide a whitening and moisturizing effect.

Here, consumers are also required to be smart in choosing skincare that is not only in accordance with the needs of the skin, but also needs to know and ensure that the skincare is safe and has a distribution permit.

So that you don't make the wrong choice, here are 4 ways that can be applied to find fake skincare products, reported from the Herstory page, Friday, August 13.

Strong Scent

Some products do have an aroma that can give a sensation of relaxation or indicate that there are natural ingredients used, such as the aroma of rose.

However, if the aroma is thick and pungent it needs to be given a question mark. Fake skincare products will emit a pungent aroma due to the addition of chemicals from metal which will be covered with a thick fragrance by these naughty people.

Checking the Official Circular Number from BPOM

Before buying, you also have to make sure that the product has passed clinical trials and has a distribution license number registered with BPOM. Not only checking the brand license number, every product must also be checked. You can check it through the official website at Cekbpom.pom.go.id

Striking Color

Striking colors should be watched out for. It could be that the product uses textile dyes which are certainly dangerous for the skin. Usually counterfeit products have a glossy yellow or white color. It can give a white effect more quickly, but if it is dangerous, it can bring other health problems later.

Sticky Texture

Products for fake creams usually have a sticky texture and if you let them sit they will separate the solids from the oil. As a result, the product is difficult to blend because the texture is like glue.

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