Don't Take It Lightly, These 5 Habits Cause Dull Skin
Illustration of the causes of dull facial skin (Unsplash/Freestocks)

JAKARTA – Skin care that costs a lot of money can be useless if you still have bad habits. This habit is not realized the effect, but in fact it causes the skin to look dull.

Without spending a lot of money, you can take care of your skin by avoiding the following bad habits.

1. Using the wrong product

Everyone has a different skin character. In general, the character of the skin is divided into 4 types, namely oily, dry, normal, and combination skin. Besides these types, humidity levels will also vary.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right care products. The simplest, choosing the right facial skin wash soap. Furthermore, it is everyone's choice to treat their skin with any product. For example, because it is too dry then give a moisturizing cream.

To choose the right care products, first identify the character of your skin. Then identify what products are most suitable so that they can be used daily without worrying about causing dull skin.

2. Lack of sleep quality

Normally, in a day Indonesian people need quality sleep with a duration of 6-7 hours. Sleep quality includes whether or not you have a good night's sleep, continuity or not waking up during the night, and duration.

Because there are many activities, sleep will be discounted. Well, this is what causes the skin to age easily and look not fresh.

So get enough sleep so that the skin rests and has time to regenerate dead skin cells.

3. Don't clean your face before going to bed

Cleansing the face before going to bed is useful to remove the dirt that sticks and the rest of the makeup that closes the pores. So, the habit of washing or cleaning the face needs to be done before going to bed.

4. Experiencing stress and overthinking

Two things that cause dull skin are related. Thinking things out of control or overthinking can cause stress so that cortisol increases. When cortisol increases, blood circulation is not normal which has an effect on the skin.

5. Less consumption of nutritious food

Nutritious food affects your health. Furthermore, health is also related to skin conditions. If a person is healthy, then the skin will look fresh with enough moisture. In contrast, when the level of health decreases, the skin will show certain signs.

Like it looks dull and the color is darker. This seems to justify the saying 'the condition of the body depends on what you eat'.

Of the five habits above, which one do you often do?

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