JAKARTA - Currently, many women prefer to use skincare with natural ingredients. This is because natural skincare is cheaper and easier to apply. But, who would have thought that natural ingredients that are considered the safest to use can actually have a bad impact on skin health. Yes, not all natural ingredients are good for the skin. Of course, there are things that can cause irritation to allergies.

Here are 3 natural skincare that are viral because they are believed to be safe for the skin, but can actually harm the skin.

Apple cider vinegar

Launching the Herworld page, Tuesday, August 10, the use of apple cider vinegar on the face is believed to be able to overcome acne and restore the pH of the skin on the face. This is presumably because apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which has antibacterial and antifungal effects. However, medical evidence of the veracity of apple cider vinegar for the face has more side effects including chemical burn, dermatitis, allergies and skin irritation than the benefits you can get. Talking about restoring the skin's pH, the researchers actually proved the big lie of these claims.

Baking soda

Indeed, baking soda is actually included in one of the formulas of a skincare product to balance the Ph in other skincare ingredients and the function of exfoliating or scrubbing.

But that doesn't mean using pure baking soda can give a more powerful effect! In fact, pure baking soda contains an alkaline that can change the skin barrier. This can cause acne, irritation, redness, and dryness.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is thought to lighten the skin because it assumes the presence of Vitamin C is the same as using Skincare that contains Vitamin C.

It's true that Vitamin C can make skin bright, but if it's processed properly, it's just like other skincare products. It's another thing if you apply lemon juice directly, which contains a very acidic pH, it can irritate the skin such as dryness, redness, and even peeling. Especially for Beauty who has sensitive skin.

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