JAKARTA - Comedian Doyok lost his beloved son, Rolly, who died on August 1. Rolly was unable to fight against exposure to COVID-19. Even though he admits to being sincere, Doyok can't just let go of his sadness. Moreover, the COVID-19 condition also made Doyok never get a job at all.

"There is not even one (job) starting from Corona 2020, there is no job," said Kadir, quoted from the Trans TV Official YouTube Channel, Friday, August 6.

In fact, Doyok and Kadir were once a couple in soap operas, films, or comedy series that were popular in the 80s to early 2000s. The soap opera Right Left Ok in 1995 became the peak of their popularity. They also managed to become a comedian duo with the most expensive fees at that time.

However, now that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the comedian's life, both of them are unable to find work.

Doyok also said that the conditions requiring them to always wear masks hampered their work. "Nothing at all. Let alone virtual, how about joking using a mask," he continued.

Kadir said that the jobs that came to them were generally as guest stars, but with uncertain times.

"At the most a guest star. It's also 3 months or not always," said Kadir who accompanied Doyok at the Viral Coffee event. Doyok replied that because he was a guest star, he could pay for electricity this month.

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