JAKARTA - WeTV released a new series entitled Cyanide. This series is reminiscent of the Cyanide Coffee case which went viral in 2016 which resulted in the death of Wayan Mirna Salihin.

The young woman died after drinking cyanide poison poured by her friend who has become a defendant, Jessica Wongso. The trial process for the sinanide case was so excited that it caused a stir in the country. Jessica was then sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The Cyanide series has more or less the same story. About a beautiful woman suddenly fell after drinking a cup of coffee in a cafe. The coffee was found to contain cyanide. Another woman was later accused of murder.

Amelia and Jenny are lovers who have loved each other from the start. Amelia is forced to marry by her family with David because they want to separate Amelia from Jenny. Amelia then drinks a cup of coffee containing cyanide poison until she dies and Jenny is accused of being the killer.

Jenny turns to suspect David as the killer, but this is not at all easy because David also accuses Jenny to death through media, TV, interviews and various other ways. So, can Jenny prove her innocence?

The story above is a short synopsis of the series 'Cyanide' which is ready to air. 'Cyanide' is special because it is the first WeTV Original series with a crime thriller theme.

The story promises conflicts of love, family, and conspiracies that are guaranteed to keep the audience captivated by following the story until the end. Each episode is designed to bring new mystery and suspense and unpredictable plot twists.

In addition, 'Cyanida' also stars a row of top performers, namely Aghniny Haque, Rio Dewanto, Nasya Marcella, Michelle Joan, Samuel Rizal and Jihane Almira.

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