JAKARTA - The feud between Roy Suryo and Lucky Alamsyah ended peacefully. The mediation facilitated by the Polda Metro Jaya bore fruit after Roy's 4 points of peace terms with Lucky Alamsyah were met.

The four conditions were Lucky Alamsyah apologizing, deleting the Instagram post dated May 22, 2021 which was the aftermath of the feud and still on his Instagram, writing the actual chronology according to the BAP and published in all media, and withdrawing the report against Roy Suryo at the East Jakarta Police.

For information, Lucky Alamsyah was reported on suspicion of defamation. The report by Roy Suryo was registered with LP/2669/V/YAN.2.5/2021/SPKT PMJ. The feud between the two began with their claim that their car was grazed. Both admitted that they were victims of grazing.

After the incident, Lucky through his social media disclosed the incident. Roy, who was offended, then reported the case to the Polda Metro Jaya with accusations of defamation.

So, in this case Lucky as the reported person is charged with Article 27 Paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph (3) Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2026 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.

In the mediation, according to Roy Suryo, Lucky Alamsyah accepted the terms from him. Lucky Alamsyah also wrote an apology signed on stamp duty. Roy Suryo also received an apology from Lucky Alamsyah.

"This afternoon, Friday, July 30, 2021 at the Polda Metro Jaya, my friend and I, Mas Muhammad Lucky Alamsyah, we have succeeded in agreeing on, and carrying out in accordance with what was issued by the National Police Chief with the restoration of justice regarding defamation," said Suryo accompanied by Lucky after mediation quoted from the Instens Investigation YouTube channel, Friday, July 30.

"I appreciate, I respect the good intentions of Mas Lucky Alamsyah, who has sincerely honestly written this without any pressure and all of that so that the problems that had occurred between the two of us were declared resolved," said Roy Suryo.

"I got a new friend here and hopefully this won't be a problem again in the future," said Lucky Alamsyah.

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