JAKARTA - Mahfud MD's confession that he likes watching soap operas, Ikatan Cinta invites pros and cons. Mahfud MD uploaded a tweet commenting on the flow of the soap opera Ikatan Cinta through his personal Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, Wednesday, July 15. He admitted that he had the opportunity to watch the soap opera when the emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) was implemented.

"PPKM gave me the opportunity to watch the soap opera series Ikatan Cinta. It's also fun, even though it's a bit muddled," wrote Mahfud. However, according to Mahfud, there is something wrong about the legal understanding of the writer of the soap opera Ikatan Cinta.

Mahfud MD responded to public criticism about his tweet, which was busy watching the soap opera Ikatan Cinta, while President Joko Widodo went to people's homes at night to distribute groceries.

"It's okay for soap operas. Thank you for all the criticism and support for my tweet. That means democracy is running, some have views, some criticize, some support, and some stay silent. No one violates the law," said Mahfud, Saturday, July 17.

Officials watching soap operas are actually not the first time this has happened. The third president of Indonesia, BJ Habibie and Hasri Ainun Besari alias Ainun, admitted that they liked to watch the soap opera Cinta Fitri. With a smiling face, BJ Habibie also expressed his opinion about the soap opera Cinta Fitri.

According to him, the soap opera actors played their characters very well. Not infrequently he memorized several dialogues from the soap opera Cinta Fitri.

Cinta Fitri is a soap opera that was once a public idol in the 2000s era. With 1,002 episodes in 7 seasons, the soap opera Cinta Fitri is the best record from the MD Pictures production house.

One of the artists in the soap opera Cinta Fitri, Fanny Ghassani, revealed her experience when she visited BJ Habibie's house several years ago. "So Mr. Habibie and his late wife really liked to watch Cinta Fitri," said Fanny in The Soleh Solihun Interview program which was uploaded to Youtube.

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