JAKARTA – Every adult has different sexual desires. There are many factors that influence it. Besides biological internal factors, there are external factors that influence, including busyness, relationship harmony, and anxiety.

This factor is not impossible to strive with a partner to increase sexual desire at least as after marriage. Although it will be different, but it doesn't hurt to try natural ways to keep the moment warm in bed.

Reported by Medical News Today, there are natural ways to increase libido. For both women and men, the choice to take strong drugs is the last number. Here are things that can be done and the big influence on the level of libido.

1. Manage anxiety

High levels of anxiety are the most common barrier affecting libido and sexual function for both men and women. Anxiety can be related to sex life or not, for example about communication and openness with partners.

For men, anxiety and stress have a big effect on difficulty getting an erection or lasting in bed. This was evidenced in a 2017 study of erectile dysfunction in young men associated with depression and anxiety.

There are many things you can do to manage anxiety, including good and quality sleep patterns, making time for hobbies, exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods, and trying to maintain a happy relationship level.

2. Improve relationship quality

Been together for a long time, maybe it can get bored. This can be a 'disaster' if it is not immediately realized and a solution is sought. The most that can be done for you and your partner is to find a new atmosphere.

For example, scheduling alone, communicating more openly, dating in a new place, and doing activities alone outside the room.

3. Focus on foreplay

Having a better sexual experience can increase a person's desire to have sex. That is, when getting new experiences can increase libido or sexual desire.

You and your partner can agree to do a new sex position, add sex toys to make it more playful, explore the touched area, play rhythm, and so on which essentially aims to 'refresh' a hot romantic session in bed or another room if possible.

Foreplay can be an addictive 'warming up' activity, because touching sensitive points can trigger orgasm and pleasure in marital activities.

4. Exercise regularly

Body stamina has a big influence on sexual activity. A 2013 study of men undergoing androgen deficiency therapy.

Androgens lower cholesterol levels and it has been found that regular exercise can help men deal with body image problems, low libido, and relationship changes.

You can also add Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.

For men, the function of Kegel exercises is almost the same but with a different physical structure. Kegel exercises can be done at any time so it is more flexible.

5. Keep your weight stable

Maintaining a healthy weight can increase a person's sex drive. Because physical health is not only about physical but also psychological. So, eating healthy foods and keeping the body in shape can increase stamina, including bed activities.

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