JAKARTA - The arrests of Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie for the case of drug abuse of methamphetamine type seized the public's attention. One by one friends and family gave support. Previously, the family of conglomerate Aburizal Bakrie said that they had apologized and supported the two of them to go through all the legal processes.

Nia Ramadhani's own family finally spoke up through her sister. In an upload on Instagram @talitha_nugroho11, Nia's sister claimed to be grateful for Nia's arrest. He hopes this incident will be a lesson for his brother.

"Thankful.. grateful... grateful.. Those are the only words that crossed my mind.. And those are the only words that I say over and over to my sister, nia.... Every human being does not escape mistakes.. Be grateful that until this day this is still being tested and tested by Allah... Because Allah still loves... I believe there is a wisdom behind all of this," wrote Talitha when uploading their photo together, Monday, July 12

To the family, Nia Ramadhani turned out to have admitted her mistake. Nia's mother was called crying and burst into tears when Nia apologized.

"Our family has forgiven, especially my mother who gave birth to her... her heart was the most broken, but she has forgiven my sister... even with tears and tears... her love will not change to Nia," he explained.

Like a family that is always there in the worst times, Talitha is ready to support Nia Ramadhani. "Whatever you do, you're still my sister!! Good or bad you... you're still my sister!! We'll make it up, we'll fight again, you're still my sister!! Nothing will change... I still love you, advise you my way," he said.

Touching words were also written for the son of the conglomerate Aburizal Bakrie. "And also for Nardi, my favorite brother in law... who always makes Tithaaa laugh, is kind and has great love for nia and the children... Thank you very much nard for everything.. I can't say much because I know you so good to mama, I'm family and also nia... Be strong Nardi, this too shall pass," concluded the sister of Nia Ramadhani.

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