JAKARTA - From the first, suji leaves have been known as one of the natural food coloring ingredients. The suji leaves only need to be blended or chopped, then mixed with food ingredients, the natural green color will come out right away.

Not only serves as a food coloring agent, apparently suji leaves also have many health benefits, you know. The benefits are no less than that of other herbal plants. Here VOI will review five benefits of suji leaves for body health.

Increase immunity

Suji leaves contain polyphenols. This substance plays an important role in supporting the performance of your body's cells to fight infection. As a result, the body's immunity becomes stronger and the antibodies you have can be greater. The risk of getting serious infections from germs, bacteria, and viruses can also be reduced.

Increase appetite

Kids lazy to eat? Try to make food with suji leaf extract. This green plant has a positive effect on increasing one's appetite. Children's weight problems can be overcome with a good appetite. You only need to add suji leaves to the food as a colorant and see, children will be excited to eat foods that are colored with suji leaves.


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Reduce menstrual pain

If you are one of those people who often experience menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea every month, you can use suji leaves as a medicine to treat it. Suji leaves contain saponin compounds. This compound is claimed to relieve inflammation that causes pain. Of course, menstrual pain that arises due to inflammation and uterine muscle contractions can also be minimized.

Lowers cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are the trigger for various serious diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke, both of which are the leading cause of death in the world. Well, suji leaves can be a helper for lowering cholesterol levels so that the risk of getting serious diseases can be reduced. In fact, in one study, suji leaf extract was said to be able to lower blood cholesterol levels by up to 50 percent

Overcoming breathing problems masalah

Suji leaf extract has also long been consumed as herbal medicine in several regions in Indonesia to treat various respiratory complaints. This is because suji leaves have the ability to kill various types of bacteria, including bacteria that cause respiratory problems such as Streptococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumonia and Mycobacterium which triggers tuberculosis.

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