JAKARTA – The development of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants of COVID-19 requires us to wear layered or double masks when leaving the house. Even if you are at home and undergoing isoman, when you go out you need to wear two layers of masks.

Based on the presentation of the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Professor Wiku Adisasmito, there is no specific recommendation for the task force for the use of medical masks only.

But the public is asked to continue to wear layered masks. The first layer mask can only be used once. While the cloth mask on the second layer can be worn many times after washing.

Because wearing a mask is one way to minimize the transmission of the virus, how to use and remove it is also important. First, avoid leaving the inside open. Also avoid any gaps that allow viruses to enter.

Well, according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are several types of masks, namely layered cloth masks and disposable masks. Disposable masks consist of several layers of non-woven material. And other types of masks, the N95 type, are prioritized for health workers.

In response to this, in order to still be able to wear a protective mask in the form of a mask, the CDC recommends wearing a mask with multiple layers for better protection. But the CDC doesn't recommend wearing a two-ply disposable mask.

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/65246/ketatkan-prokes-sebulan-di-rumah-saja-sherina-munaf-tetap-positive-covid-19

- https://voi.id/berita/65213/survei-orang-muda-kurang-disciplinary-orang-tua-takut-divaksin

- https://voi.id/berita/65137/umkm-diberdayakan-hasil-masker-3-layer-di-balai-kota-surabaya

- https://voi.id/berita/65059/mulai-besok-penumpang-krl-harus-gunakan-masker-ganda

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/64671/cara-buang-masker-yang-true-agar-tak-menularkan-covid-19

Disposable masks can be covered with cloth masks that can be reused after washing. Reported by the COVID-19 Handling Committee and National Economic Recovery page, how to wash cloth masks is as follows:

. Soak the mask in warm water and detergent Leave it for 10 minutes and rub gently. Rinse the mask with running water until clean. Dry in direct sunlight. Iron the cloth mask with a certain heat according to the type of fabric.

How to wash Sritex masks, is a bit different. Because the washing rules on the mask label are asked to soak in detergent without bleach or safe Bayclin. Just rinsed, dried in the sun, and finally ironed on medium to medium temperature.

Pretty simple isn't it? But it is also necessary to pay attention to the lifetime of the cloth mask. Because the more often the fiber is washed, the more tenuous it will be, meaning the identification of the type of fabric. If the fabric has changed, then replace it with a new cloth mask.

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