JAKARTA - The band who graduated from the Xth Indonesian Rock Festival version of Log Zhelebour, Take Over, has just released a mini album labeled self-titled. Windy (vocals), Bagus (guitar), Gatot (bass), Joe (drums), and John Paul Ivan presented five heavy rock contoured songs with bluesy elements complete with lyrics about social issues, love and God.

JPI - the nickname of former Boomerang guitarist - replaced the previous Take Over guitarist and co-founder, Adung, who was fired last year. The entry of JPI not only complements the band's format with two guitarists but also provides a breath of fresh air for Take Over because he acts as a producer.

"I took over the project of this album which was hanging in the middle of the road. So, I handled it as an album producer, overdub the rhythm part, filled the solo lead on three songs, finishing touch before mixing and mastering," JPI told VOI via the WhatsApp application message.

Of the five songs that are in this album, four of them; Be wise, don't be sad, it's just you, and the meaning of victory is a new song. While the rest - Do Not Mode - was released before JPI joined.

"The process of making songs already existed before I joined the band, so I just followed and gave the finishing touch. Yes, more to the grand design in the middle and after the release of the album," JPI further explained its contribution to this album.

The man who is also familiarly called Ivan admitted that he could not refuse Take Over's invitation, considering that he was not under any band's banner either. Since leaving Boomerang, JPI has indeed appeared more often as a solo guitarist and with a duo project with a band format called RI1 with Roy Jeconiah.

"Because I was alone, not under a band, so let's just live bandaging with Take Over," JPI concluded.

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