JAKARTA - Entering the entertainment world since childhood, Ariel Tatum admitted that he wanted to retire. At that time he said he wanted to retire for his mental health. Now, Ariel can open up about the real reason.

"Perhaps people think that if you quit the entertainment world, for example, you're either married to a rich person or you're uncle's mistress. I've been gossiped about that a lot," said Ariel Tatum, quoted from YouTube Vibe Indonesia, Monday, June 28.

"But has anyone tried to "bid" (Ariel Tatum)," asked Gading Marten

"Buanyaakk," answered Ariel Tatum laughing.

Ariel said the offer did not only come once or twice. The nominal offered is also very high. The offer actually made Ariel feel harassed.

"There was even a point in my life, when people asked bluntly, directly, 'how much for the night with Ariel Tatum?' That's frontal," he said.

The offer was delivered directly to his mother, who also happens to be Ariel's manager. "Incidentally, my manager is my own mother since I was little. So she always looks like she's laughing when someone calls like 'Want to have dinner with Ariel Tatum', 'oh yeah, for what purpose? What event?' That's right. 'No, I want to have dinner'. Then my mother seemed to be on purpose because she was also very funny, didn't she. Just keep on fishing, right. 'It's okay, I just want to have a chat with Ariel Tatum'. 'Yeah, what's the show? How long? What's Ariel's job description?' "Yeah, it's okay, I just want to chat." "Oh, sorry, I can't," he said with a laugh.

Of course her mother only responded to such a call with a laugh. Even though he was offered large sums of money, he never took such a job.

"I was a kid, right, that's not the path I took. I don't know what the reason behind it was that he could bluntly talk about how much it cost to spend the night with Ariel Tatum. Then my manager said no, we don't accept things like that- That's it. Then he was like, well, what if it's like this, and that's a lot of money. It's really a lot, "said Ariel Tatum.

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