JAKARTA - Singer Yuni Shara has her own way of dealing with her child watching adult content. In an interview, the singer of the song Lost Permataku admitted that he had a unique way of educating his two sons, including when he caught his son watching pornographic video content.

Instead of scolding and forbidding her children to watch pornographic videos, Yuni Shara actually allowed it. He even admitted that he accompanied his children to watch the pornographic videos. This was reported by Antara.

According to Agstried Piether, Child and Adolescent Education Psychologist at Dandelion House, Yuni Shara's actions are the right attitude if parents find their children watching pornographic content, namely not scolding them.

However, Agstried notes that not being angry when you catch a child watching porn is not the same as accompanying watching porn.

"That's right, when we catch a child watching porn, no matter how panicked we are, we should not be angry because in the end the child will only do it again silently. Instead, ask the child what prompted him to watch porn? Curious? So, through the results of the discussion, parents can provide factual sex education, based on science, not based on pornographic films," said Agstried, who is a graduate of the University of Indonesia.

According to him, the most dangerous thing about pornographic films if they are watched by minors is the wrong information that is given. Finally, children grow up with the knowledge and expectations that sexual intercourse or sexual organs are right and good as they see in porn movies.

"Even though it's not like that. So let's get children used to seeking knowledge from true and reliable sources. Don't forget to also adjust sex education for children according to their age," he said.

However, it must be emphasized to children that pornographic films do not represent actual sex. Sexual content in pornographic films is not a sexual fact, so children can get the wrong education about sex.

When to give sex education?

Providing sexual education should be done as early as possible. Agstried suggested since toddlers have been introduced to the sexual organs.

"Calls penis as penis. Vagina as vagina. In addition, since toddlers, education must also be given about maintaining organ hygiene, understanding which body parts are allowed to be touched or not to be touched, who can help bathe and change clothes, and anyone who can see the child's body."

Ilustrasi mendampingi anak belajar (Pexel)
Illustration of accompanying children to learn (Pexel)

Previously, Yuni Shara in an interview with Venna Melinda that aired on June 19, 2021, admitted that she wanted to be a parent with an open mind to her children.

"My children happen to be open children. It's impossible for our children not to watch porn, whether it's anime or any kind, there will be," he said.

He even freely allowed his son to watch porn. "Instead of later, it's better if we become friends, 'how to watch it', for example, like that. That's how it is," he explained.

However, Yuni Shara's attitude drew controversy from netizens. They seem to give some opinions and comments regarding this attitude.

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