JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari is undergoing self-isolation after being exposed to COVID-10. Together with his friends, BCL isolated himself at his home. Had admitted his mental decline, now BCL has started to recover.

In a post on Instagram, Thursday, June 24, BCL shared his condition on the tenth day of isolation.

"Thank God the physical condition is starting to improve, the body is starting to have energy, the taste and smell are starting to return, the fever is also no longer coming.. Among us, I'm also the only one who is still coughing, the others are not.. start appetite..," he wrote on the verified @bclsinclair account.

Furthermore, the 'Ever Young' singer admitted that he was enthusiastic about undergoing the PCR test. "Anyway, this morning we did our PCR, and hopefully things only get better from there...," he hoped.

BCL was sprayed by Jerinx because it was said to be scapegoating Bali as the reason for being exposed to COVID-19. BCL immediately gave an explanation of the chronology of the exposure and did not mention Bali as the cause.

Not wanting to get caught up in these problems, BCL regularly reports on his progress with an optimistic tone. I hope BCL recovers quickly.

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