JAKARTA - Lately, social media has been shocked by the Korean drama series Racket Boys. This time, instead of admiring the players or the content of the story, Indonesian netizens were furious with one of the scenes in the drama.

They think that the drama insults Indonesia's name in the badminton event. The Racket Boys series tells the life of young badminton athletes in South Korea.

Several scenes in the fifth episode of the Korean drama received criticism from drakor fans in Indonesia.

In the broadcast there was a scene where Ahn Nae Sang, the badminton coach of the South Korean junior national team complained about the poor lodging facilities and training grounds provided by the committee in Indonesia.

Not only that, Nae Sang also mentioned that bad facilities were deliberately given to hinder the victory of his foster athlete, Han Se Yoon.

For that, consider eight facts about the following Korean drama series Racket Boys, which VOI quoted from various sources, Sunday, June 20.

1. Drama About Badminton in South Korea

Directed by Cho Young Kwang, the drama Racket Boys tells the story of badminton. By making this story, Cho reasoned because the sport can be done by everyone just by requiring a racket.

In addition, Cho also admitted that badminton fans have such great interest. You will see the sincere love of every character towards badminton in this Racket Boys series.

2. There is a Solid Team

Two talented filmmakers make a perfect combination, namely Director Cho Young Kwang (Defendant) and Writer Jung Bo Hun (Prison Playbook), putting this series in good hands.

You'll also get to see veteran actors Kim Sang Kyung and Oh Na Ra take on the role of coaches, as well as several other popular young stars. In the process of filming, Oh Na Ra called the making of this series so interesting, in fact they always had fun.

“Young actors are always laughing and having fun, but when the camera light comes on, their gaze changes instantly. They are really like co-workers and not just young players," said Oh Na Ra.

3. Lots of Funny Moments

When we see the trailer, of course we will be interested to watch it, how can the Racket Boys drama have enough entertaining funny moments.

Starting from the Yoon family who have to adjust to the countryside as if they feel their life has ended, to Yoon Hae Kang who is full of courage to save the badminton team, but lacks skills in badminton.

In fact, Kim Sang Kyung also claimed to want to bring a lot of laughter and offer a little peace in the midst of difficult times like now.

4. Quite a Heartwarming Story

Although there are many funny scenes, some moments from the series are quite touching. Directors Cho Young Kwang and Lee Ji Won said Racket Boys was more than just a drama about badminton.

“Racket Boys is a warm and beautiful drama that will deliver a heartwarming story. This series is a hopeful story about people who struggle and work hard to achieve their dreams, as well as the stories of teenagers growing up. "Regardless of age, you will be able to understand their touching stories in Racket Boys," explained Lee Ji Won.

5. Have Different Characters

This drama is indeed focused on badminton events and has a character consisting of six young badminton players, but they all have different personalities.

“I had a conversation with the director and said how boring it would be if all the characters looked the same. They have to be like the 31 different flavors that Baskin Robbins has," said Kim Sang Kyung.

6. Series 16 Episodes

The drama Racket Boys began airing on May 31, 2021. The plan, if there are no obstacles, the drama will air as many as 16 episodes. The drama will be aired every Monday and Tuesday.

7. There are Indonesians in the Racket Boys Drama

An Indonesian woman who has an active career in South Korea, Yannie Kim has a son, Ko Soobin, who made a cameo in the drama Racket Boys.

Ko Soobin is known to only appear for less than five minutes in the SBS drama as Ivana Putri, an Indonesian badminton player who competes with one of the main characters, Han Seyoon. It was said that the location of the badminton match was at Istora Senayan, Jakarta.

8. Considered Harassing Indonesia and SBS Apologize

Although it has a scene that touches the heart and is funny, in the fifth episode a scene appears which is considered to be degrading the name of Indonesia as described previously.

As a result of these dialogues, netizens were furious and expressed their disappointment with SBS, which became the television broadcasting and producing the drama. Seeing this, SBS also apologized through the @sbsnow_insta account last Thursday.

"We from the production team (Racket Boys) apologize for the memory of the match that was broadcast in episode 5, we don't mean to demean certain countries, players, or viewers," said the SBS.

He promised to be more careful in choosing stories for the next Rocket Boys episode, "however, we apologize for some scenes that have offended our viewers from Indonesia. We will pay close attention to the next episode," he added.

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