JAKARTA – For those of you who like ornamental plants, you must be interested in caring for and cultivating philodendron plants. Plants that have various shapes, colors, and sizes can grow in various conditions, including the dry season.

Philodendron is mostly an epiphytic plant. These plant characters need propagation to grow. Based on the classification, philodendron is still a relative with anthurium, aglaonema, and alocasia. Also included in the taro family or Araceae.

Morphologically, the shape of the roots of the philodendron plant is fibrous. While the trunk is not woody. On the petiole or buds there are on each segment. Well, what makes philodendron loved is the shape of the leaves that vary.

Ranging from heart-shaped to fingered. Reported by You Had Me at Gardening, Friday, June 18, there are 480 types of philodendron plants, so the most popular are the following:

Philodendron caramel marble variegata

The combination of reddish green with yellow and pink makes the first philodendron plant quite popular. The price can skyrocket with consideration of the variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

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Illustration of philodendron caramel marble variegate (Pexels/Skylar Kang)

If the leaf shape is fingered and the size is flat, the price can reach Rp. 75 million. What makes the price skyrocket is that the dominant color remains green but has other color accents with abstract patterns.

Philodendron Patriciae

The leaf shape of Philodendron patriciae is different from the caramel marble variegata variant. The second type is also still classified as the most expensive philodendron plant if the leaves are getting longer. The price can adjust to the shape of the leaf, the more unique the shape of the leaf, the price can soar.

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Illustration of philodendron patriciae (Unsplash/Jesse Riggs)

Unfortunately, philodendron patriciae is quite sensitive if transferred at any time. This type of plant takes time to adapt and extra care. The shape of the leaves has a center or leaf bone and cannot live at high temperatures because it makes the color of the leaves turn white.

Philodendron ring of fire

The leaf shape of the philodendron ring of fire is elongated, narrow, and fingered. There are various colors including green, beige, orange, red, yellow, and light white. If based on price order, Philodendron Ring of Fire is below the Caramel Marble Varigata and Patriciae types.

Philodendron florida ghost

This type of philodendron plant is further known as the philodendron pigeon or florida ghost. There are various leaf colors, ranging from dominant green to white abstract patterns and red stems.

Compared to other types, philodendron pigeons require more light than other types.

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Illustration of philodendron florida ghost plant leaves (Unsplash/Eldry Johj Infante)

Philodendron jose buono

Furthermore, the jose buono philodendron plant is shaped like a lime green paddle with a white motif. The leaves are rather large in size with clearly visible veins. For the price, not much different from the ring of fire and florida ghost.

But the more unique the shape, size, and motif, the more expensive the price. Which type of philodendron plant is your collection?

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