JAKARTA - As many people know, pomegranate has many benefits. Pomegranate is also rich in antioxidants and various nutrients that are good for health. Although it has various benefits, it turns out that pomegranates also have dangers for health. So, you should also be aware of the side effects of pomegranate. What are the effects?


Pomegranates can actually cause poisoning. The danger of this pomegranate is not only from the fruit, but also from the roots, stems, and shells. Various parts of the pomegranate contain toxic substances. Hence, you can be poisoned when eating pomegranate.

Causes intestinal blockage

Furthermore, pomegranate can also cause intestinal blockage in people with chronic constipation. Pomegranate seeds that are safe for consumption can potentially clog the digestive tract. Instead, consumption of pomegranate is reasonable and not too much because it can have a bad impact.

Lowering blood pressure

If you have low blood pressure, it is not recommended to eat pomegranate. Pomegranate which can lower blood pressure is also dangerous when taken with blood pressure-lowering drugs or when undergoing surgery.


Pomegranate allergies are just like any other food allergy. So, don't eat too much pomegranate, okay? You can feel various allergy symptoms after consuming pomegranate, such as itching, bumps, swelling, runny nose, stomach pain, shortness of breath, and others.

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