JAKARTA – In communicating, one person and another have different dynamics. Including those of you who are already paired. How to communicate was a big influence on the quality of the relationship.
In addition, there are things related to emotional expression that affect the dynamics of communication with a partner. As reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 16, a recent study revealed the effect of weak communication links on satisfaction and emotional distress of one partner.
One-sided contribution
Need to review the way you and your partner communicate. When you and your partner have an effort equal to the happiness you get, it means that the dynamics of communication are not problematic.
But if one of them sacrifices for more initiative in communicating, it can trigger problems.
Simply put, the dynamics of communication are like a trade balance. Giving needs to be the same as receiving to have a happy relationship, explains Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts.
Emotions are buried more
The give-and-take of a loving couple involves an emotional aspect. Eri Sasaki of the University of Auckland notes that everyone contributes to the health of a long-term relationship based on the degree to which they share or dislike each other's feelings.
Expressive emphasis involves trying to hide emotional expression from others. Hiding your feelings for your partner takes mental effort and can make it more difficult for a person to solve problems effectively.
Dishonest communication
Still related to harboring emotions, Sasaki gave an example. Save anger when your partner makes a mistake in taking care of the carpet at home so that it makes you mistakenly pay the bill.
Mistakes that make emotions accumulate and not be expressed honestly have the potential to fail to meet basic needs in relationships.
Limited interaction
Interacting with a partner is not just words, but also looks at each other or expresses feelings with physical touch. If verbal communication is limited, what about other communications?
There are long-term couples who communicate moderately but have strong relationships. Not a few also feel that there has never been a problem with communication but it turns out that the quality of the relationship is fragile.
The research team at the University of Auckland studied couples, in which one partner had high emotional stress and the other had low emotional stress. Different pressures can affect the quality of the relationship.
Emotions out of control
How to manage emotions is also controlled, for example, anger that is expressed without control can create a stressful relationship. It's better to openly communicate your feelings, but uncontrollable negative feelings can trigger problems.
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