JAKARTA – In general, rosemary is often used for garnishes and for sprinkling meat grills. But actually, plants belonging to the mint Lamiaceae family have quite a lot of benefits.
In addition to its good content for health, rosemary is also useful for skincare and see the following explanation.
Nutritional content in Rosemary
Rosemary can be enjoyed sprinkled on dishes to enrich the taste. Can also be brewed into a cup of tea. Rosemary, reported by Medical News Today, contains iron, calcium, and vitamin B6 which are good for health.
You can grow it at home, you can also buy it dried and chopped.
An ancient potion
Rosemary is classified as an herbal plant because it is used as traditional medicine in the Mediterranean region. Traditionally, rosemary is used to relieve muscle pain, improve memory, immune system, improve blood circulation, and hair growth.
Rosemary is an annual plant
If you plant rosemary plants, on average they can survive up to approximately 2 years. But calm, even though it dries, the leaves can still be stored and preserved and even used.
Dried leaves can be used to enrich the taste of dishes. Its benefits include improving concentration, improving the digestive system, and aging the brain. However, too high a dose can cause pulmonary edema, vomiting, and fainting.
Colorful flowers
The characteristics of rosemary plants have needle-like leaves. The flowers are colorful, ranging from pink, white, and purplish-blue.
![cara membuat teh rosemary](/storage/publishers/59334/body_image_2021061516-1.jpg)
To make rosemary tea, brew it in boiling water. You can also mix it in infused water with lemon, mint leaves, and lychee fruit.
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds
In laboratory-based studies show that rosemary is rich in antioxidants. This substance plays a role in neutralizing harmful particles or known as free radicals.
In Europe, rosemary is used to help overcome digestive disorders. And recognized by the German Commission E that rosemary for the treatment of digestive disorders.
Besides being good for the physical, rosemary is recognized by Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology because its aroma can increase a person's concentration, performance, speed, and accuracy. It can even improve one's mood.
Interested in growing rosemary at home? You can buy the seeds online, in supermarkets, or at the nearest plant store.
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