JAKARTA – Long-term partners or long-lasting partners know very well that sex plays a role in increasing the warmth of the relationship. But not every couple understands that orgasm is not the key to a romantic relationship with a partner.

According to Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and author of The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time, there are more important things than an orgasm. Ben-Zeév defines sexual afterglow as the good feeling that persists after the pleasurable experience of sex.

That good feeling is a kind of intense radiance that is attractive and contagious. Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, June 14, a study shows that sexual afterglow determines how people feel about their sexual partners.

Sexual afterglow or feelings of pleasure during a sex session are less intense than orgasm, but play a greater role in lasting romantic satisfaction.

After or during sex with a partner, stronger feelings of happiness were reported to have higher levels of marital satisfaction. What is included in the sexual afterglow?

A woman who has been divorced from her partner says that her husband is emotionally disconnected when he ejaculates.

“He left me emotionally and physically quickly. He literally left the bed to drink something and didn't come back to bed," she said.

According to Ben-Zeév, a study has shown that a strong and intimate bond occurs when couples look at each other during and after sexual intercourse. Can be done with the activity of kissing and hugging. It has also been shown to increase the duration and quality of relationships.

Apart from kissing and hugging, looking at each other with intense gazes is very valuable. Because couples who do it want to emphasize that the bond of a relationship is deeper than a short and shallow physical act.

“We can distinguish between romantic intensity which describes a momentary desire and deep romance, which goes beyond mere romantic intensity and refers to a broader and lasting lover's attitude,” says Ben-Zeév.

One of the ways to measure sexual intensity is orgasm. Meanwhile, feelings of pleasure after sex and affectionate activities after sex help deepen and prolong sexual bonds.

Other research also proves, newly married couples feel sexual afterglow about 48 hours after having sex. But sexual afterglow can not be measured by how many orgasms. Sexual afterglow also affects the level of attraction to a partner.

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