JAKARTA – Fresh fruit is recommended for consumption rather than processed fruit, for example, into a glass of juice. In addition, choosing fresh fruit should never ignore the texture, color, aroma because it determines the level of nutrients it contains.

Launching a study report published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nitritions in 2010, there are a number of factors that contribute to the nutritional content of fruit, including genetics, growing conditions, production practices, maturity at harvest, and post-harvest handling.

In general, choosing fruits is based on intuition alone. Choose the most beautiful shape and put it in a bag so that you end up regretting it if it doesn't taste as fresh as imagined. To choose fresh fruit, consider the factors below.

skin texture

Feel the fresh skin texture can be with the sensitivity of the skin of the hand. Fruits and vegetables that are heavy and sturdy and with firm skin can be a sign that they are still fresh. Also pay attention to how long and how the fruit is stored.

gambar buah-buahan yang segar
Apple and pear skin texture illustration (Unsplash/Quin Engle)

Fresh fruit is best stored at the right temperature so that it does not ripen quickly but is ready for consumption. If it is too ripe it will also affect the taste and nutritional content.

Don't be lulled by beautiful visuals

Displaying fruits in shops and markets is an important task for sellers. But what you need to consider when choosing fruit that is fresh or not stored for too long can be seen from the visuals.

Check the stem to make sure the fruit is still fresh. If around the stem looks wrinkled or not as fresh as the middle, it means it has been stored too long. The shape is more irregular and will be visually clear.

Buy fruit according to harvest season

Not all fruit is harvested in season. Most appropriate, choose to buy fruit that is harvesting. For example, when it is mango season, it will be easier to choose fresh mangoes than when it is not in season. In addition, the price will also be cheaper.

Pay attention to color

gambar buah-buahan yang segar
Illustration of colorful tomatoes (Unsplash/Vince Lee)

Fruits such as apples, bananas, cherries, melons, papayas, peaches, and pears are usually the easiest to choose based on color. Yellow bananas are ready to eat and cannot be stored for too long. If you choose a green color, it means you have a long time to store it.

Peaches, apples, and pears are often harvested before they are fully ripe. Well, choose a color that is a bit old but has not been scratched much. This indicates the fruit is still fresh and freshly harvested.


Each fruit has a different aroma. To make sure you choose the perfect fruit freshness, smell the wafting aromas. The better the aroma, the better the ripeness.

Although the aroma, color, and texture are affected by pre- and post-harvest treatment by producers, you need to make sure the fruit you are going to consume is fresh fruit and does not experience a decrease in nutrient levels due to over-ripe.

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