JAKARTA - Singer Anji was detained at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Sunday, June 13. Deputy Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Commissioner Adjutant Arif Purnama Oktora said the musician EAP alias AN was a suspect in possession of marijuana.

"We from the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit will confirm the arrest of a musician related to marijuana-type drug abuse," Arif said in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, June 13.

Anji's arrest immediately became a news magnet for journalists. Many asked for confirmation of the chronology and the evidence collected by the police when Anji was arrested.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Grand Commissioner Ady Wibowo said his party found various types of drugs in quite large quantities during the arrest of the musician. However, he was reluctant to explain in detail the type and amount of drugs suspected to belong to Anji.

Anji's arrest made Anji's old tweet about drugs again become an attack by netizens. "I'd rather people use drugs themselves, hurt themselves. Compared to doing something, which results in people being killed," Anji wrote on the @dunimanji account in 2013.

"Digital footprints are scary," wrote @cozybizy.

"If it is true what Anji means he is really great, he can predict his own future. Mbakyu, Denni Darko, and the other fortune-tellers are matchless," wrote @edyasf.

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