Impact Of Vitamin D Deficiency On The Body
Illustration (Eric Ward/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Vitamin D is produced in the body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Food sources such as eggs, milk, and fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, and herring can also prevent vitamin D deficiency into your body.

But don't worry, as reported by Health, Thursday, June 10, if you don't eat enough foods that contain vitamin D or where it rains often, you can make up for it by spending 30 minutes in the sun the next day.

Vitamin D can also help reduce inflammation, improve immune function and aid cell growth. This is the impact if you are deficient in vitamin D.


According to research, one of the effects of people who lack vitamin D intake is that they will have a higher risk of developing diabetes.

Muscle and bone pain

Vitamin D deficiency can be a cause of muscle and bone pain in children and adults. Vitamin D and calcium are both needed in bone formation. This is useful for preventing osteoporosis and osteomalacia, namely weathering and bone loss. However, you can prevent it by consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the immune system attacks its own organs and tissues. This disease is often associated with vitamin D deficiency because lupus patients are often advised to avoid sun exposure. A recent review of research suggested that correcting lupus patients' vitamin deficiencies could help reduce the severity of their disease.


Vitamin D deficiency naturally can cause depression. Especially for countries that rarely have sunlight. This depressive condition is caused by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) that occurs in winter. In a study in The British Journal of Psychiatry, it was also explained that a lack of vitamin D in the body can actually have a twice greater risk of experiencing depression.

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